Get your Security Update!

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44, male

Posts: 2

Get your Security Update!

from BlurtOut on 05/06/2021 01:08 AM

As the world slowly gets back to normal and more websites come back online, it's so important that everyone downloads their Security Update. Only by updating your computers can we all be safe from the CROWN Virus. The sooner we're all updated, the sooner we can put this unprecedented attack behind us. If you have any further questions, please contact your Regional Cyber Security Administration.



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Get your Security Update!

from acarson69 on 05/07/2021 12:21 AM

I got mine. I had some issues because it doesn't like my version of Panels, but the cyber security people were really helpful. I highly recommend everyone get their updates!!



25, male

Posts: 6

Re: Get your Security Update!

from WakingDreamer on 05/07/2021 01:14 AM

One of my buds got the update a few weeks ago and his computers been crashing all the time. No way I'm getting it. I heard it takes over your webcam and spies on you. No thanks!!!



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: Get your Security Update!

from rocketman1976 on 05/07/2021 01:40 AM

@wakingdreamer: That is some disinformation. There is an option to give a Cyber Security Specialist remote access to your computer but only if you allow it. You need to stop watching so many TubeNation videos and do some actual research.



32, female

Posts: 2

Re: Get your Security Update!

from missluckystars on 05/07/2021 02:25 AM

No need to be so rude. Not everyone knows about computer stuff (me included). I know lots of folks who are scared to get the update. If you know a lot about it, please let us know. It might help more than making fun of people. 



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: Get your Security Update!

from rocketman1976 on 05/07/2021 02:38 AM

You're right, missluckystars. I'm just getting frustrated over all the bad advice that's been going around. The sooner everyone gets the security updates the sooner things can start to get back to normal. I rely on lots of computers for my job. We thought we had top of the line security and we still got hit. It put us months, if not years behind schedule. But I get what you're saying. Sorry, wakingdreamer. PM me if you want some reassurances.



25, male

Posts: 6

Re: Get your Security Update!

from WakingDreamer on 05/07/2021 02:43 AM

You can msg me some links, but my eyes are wide open dude.



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Get your Security Update!

from acarson69 on 05/07/2021 02:55 AM

You're a good man, Auldon. BTW, glad to hear your mom's doing better. Had quite a scare there for a minute.


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