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55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Red Snapper

from acarson69 on 07/20/2023 06:40 PM,perfect%20substitutes%20in%20any%20recipe.



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Red Snapper

from acarson69 on 07/20/2023 06:15 PM

OMG! You HAVE to put that on the menu, Summer.



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Soundcheck '81 in White River City

from acarson69 on 07/18/2023 05:03 AM

Oh good, a larger outlet for his neo-nazi, right-wing hate speech. And he has guests on all the time that promote anti-Update propaganda. It's why everyone is still having so many computer issues. I'm all for the 1st Amendment, but something needs to be done about his misinformation.



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Hi all!

from acarson69 on 07/18/2023 04:52 AM

Hi, dotpot. My name's Aiden. Welcome to BlurtOut. I've been having some issues with the THOMAS website too. Datatroniks in general. I keep telling people to get their Security Updates but they won't listen. They think it's some big government conspiracy to try to control their lives. But it's just about safety for everyone. People need to think about the whole and not just themselves. I'm sorry, I'm ranting. Hope you can figure it out. 

As far as "Marco", I'm not really sure. Does this Marco have a last name?



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Get your Security Update!

from acarson69 on 05/07/2021 02:55 AM

You're a good man, Auldon. BTW, glad to hear your mom's doing better. Had quite a scare there for a minute.



55, male

Posts: 6

Re: Get your Security Update!

from acarson69 on 05/07/2021 12:21 AM

I got mine. I had some issues because it doesn't like my version of Panels, but the cyber security people were really helpful. I highly recommend everyone get their updates!!


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