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48, male

Posts: 7

Re: First Challenge!

from rocketman1976 on 07/22/2023 12:00 AM

Looking forward to it.



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: First Challenge!

from rocketman1976 on 07/21/2023 11:57 PM

Tobias. He's an elven ranger... I think. Like I said, it's been awhile.



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: First Challenge!

from rocketman1976 on 07/21/2023 11:51 PM

Way to go, dantheman! Now that's dedication. I've actually been thinking about dusting off my old character. Maybe I'll look for you in game this weekend. I need a brain break.



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: THOMAS website is messed up again :(

from rocketman1976 on 07/18/2023 02:19 AM

The THOMAS response time has been terrible lately. I've heard rumors that most of his processing power is being diverted to different RCSAs, but I don't have the clearance to verify. I've also heard he's in a bad mood. Can't tell anymore with these new gen AI. I don't really use ole Tommy too much anymore. He's more gaming oriented than ever before. I don't have much time for gaming anymore. But just wait and he'll usually respond. 



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: THOMAS website is messed up again :(

from rocketman1976 on 07/18/2023 12:39 AM

I ran the greeting through the Datatroniks Filter System. Here's the link:

It is really weird but I don't have time to investigate. Hope this helps you get your character fixed up (I maxed out at level 79 about ten years ago).



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: Get your Security Update!

from rocketman1976 on 05/07/2021 02:38 AM

You're right, missluckystars. I'm just getting frustrated over all the bad advice that's been going around. The sooner everyone gets the security updates the sooner things can start to get back to normal. I rely on lots of computers for my job. We thought we had top of the line security and we still got hit. It put us months, if not years behind schedule. But I get what you're saying. Sorry, wakingdreamer. PM me if you want some reassurances.



48, male

Posts: 7

Re: Get your Security Update!

from rocketman1976 on 05/07/2021 01:40 AM

@wakingdreamer: That is some disinformation. There is an option to give a Cyber Security Specialist remote access to your computer but only if you allow it. You need to stop watching so many TubeNation videos and do some actual research.


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