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2020 Cyber Attack

For discussions of the C.R.O.W.N. (Control Response Operational Worm Network) Virus that decimated nearly 70% of the data on the Internet.
4 34 by riverqueen »
on 08/27/2023 11:20 PM


Feel free to tell other BlurtOut users a little bit about yourself
3 11 by dantheman »
on 07/21/2023 12:38 AM


What are some sites you like to visit?
3 14 by gamerguy »
on 11/28/2023 07:05 PM


Talk about your favorite bands, groups, songs, albums, and concerts.
3 18 by awestone »
on 07/30/2023 05:23 AM


For topics about television and movies.
1 2 by dantheman »
on 05/12/2021 03:32 AM


Please share you favorite chefs, restaurants, recipes, and any other culinary topics.
2 9 by RatchetSly »
on 07/21/2023 01:16 AM

Literature and Printed Works

This forum is for books, authors, comics, or any other type of printed art forms.
1 1 by shamansham »
on 05/12/2021 03:24 AM


What kinds of video, board, card, or any type of games are you interested in?
4 17 by botanifanatic »
on 08/16/2023 10:23 PM


For anything and everything not covered in other categories.
4 28 by graham.cracker »
on 12/24/2024 07:59 PM

Statistics:  Total topics: 25  -  Total posts: 134