awestone's Guestbook


  • maxstone
  • TheWickedStars
  • BlurtOut
  • RatchetSly
  • kimmy911
  • obsidian
  • ginseng
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  • dotpot
  • mrsbrown
  • pandanope
  • dantheman
  • revswirl
  • rocketman1976
  • Memoirs_of_Death
  • weird_al
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RatchetSly says:
We're coming for you
Leave a comment 14 months ago
awestone says:
Over a year and still no body. Marco, you are quite the genius now aren't you. Your time will come.
Leave a comment 16 months ago
ginseng - Hmm. Connor is missing. Are you Connor? If not, why are you posting on his account?
14 months ago
kimmy911 says:
Oh no. I hope he's alright. Let the police know if you have any information, please 

Investigators Call off Search for Local Student
Leave a comment 28 months ago
maxstone - That's not good. Hope he's ok.
28 months ago
westsideriot - You know what you did, Marco
28 months ago